Hybrid Workforces

Driving value through humans, processes & technology

Our idea

How many tedious, time-consuming tasks do
your employees do each and every, single day?

Time is your most precious commodity. Shouldn’t your human workforce be using their costly time for tasks that are critical to the business and value-adding?

The ingredients

Workforces + Processes + Technology + Data

This is the equation for productive and profitable business success. Our solution brings the critical elements in your business together, so that they can work seamlessly towards the same end goals.

That's the magic of Hybrid Workforces


Unlock the full potential of your workforce


Work with your human capital to get the most from your processes, technology and data


Leverage your assets and make process data visible to unlock efficiencies across your organization


Underlies the zozBots, which can be trained to work with your existing technology infrastructure while giving you access to a whole new world of tech


Great businesses understand that processes create and deliver value to customers, save on the bottom line, and streamline productivity

Why choose Hybrid Workforces

How much money are you leaving on the table within your business?

Most of the routine tasks that your employees do, day in and day out, are important tasks. They need to be done.  The challenge is that it’s becoming increasingly clear that higher workloads carry with them an increased risk of error.

On top of that, the repetitive nature of the work just leads to low staff morale, high staff turnover, compromised processes and frustrated customers.

How effective is your workforce?

At Hybrid Workforces, we use Robotic process automation (RPA) to create an environment where humans and robots, which are embedded in your technology and processes, work together for smoother, more efficient and cost effective work flows.

If you’re relying on your employees to do everything in your organization, you might be wasting valuable time and effort, as well as limiting the productivity and efficiency potential within your business.

You create a more productive and engaged workforce by stripping away tasks that can be automated. Effective workforces focus on high-value work that contributes to the business’s success. 

Rules-based processes are automated and people streamline the workflow, creating value in a hybrid environment that blends technology, processes, data and people in the most efficient way possible.

Industries we work with

Powerful Processes

Build a process that works the way it’s designed to work. 

These three states are seldomly (if ever) aligned.  Our approach to blending proven, scalable solutions using RPA and other technologies closes the gap to provide superior flexibility and entrench your competitive advantage.

The Challenges

  • The wide gap between the way a system should be designed, the way it is designed, and the way it actually works

  • Different departments and teams focus on optimizing their own piece of the puzzle, resulting in silos that slow the whole process down across the organization

  • Systems and processes that rely on manual
    inputs from humans has errors in it

  • Most organizations spend more time double checking and verifying their data than using it

  • A resistance to change because of aging technology and the costs involved in upgrading

Our Solution

  • When you automate a process, it is designed specifically for your business, and the zozBots are taught to keep improving the process based on data

  • The process is built from the ground up, across each team and department, ensuring everyone is working in the same way and removing inefficient silos

  • Removing manual human processes ensures an error-free process and frees your people up to focus on high-value tasks

  • You can trust your data and use it to build better products, service and deliver higher value to customers

The Challenges

  • The wide gap between the way a system should be designed, the way it is designed, and the way it actually works


  • Different departments and teams focus on optimizing their own piece of the puzzle, resulting in silos that slow the whole process down across the organization


  • Systems and processes that rely on manual
    inputs from humans has errors in it


  • Most organizations spend more time double checking and verifying their data than using it

  • A resistance to change because of aging technology and the costs involved in upgrading

Our Solution

  • When you automate a process, it is designed specifically for your business, and the zozBots are taught to keep improving the process based on data

  • The process is built from the ground up, across each team and department, ensuring everyone is working in the same way and removing inefficient silos

  • Removing manual human processes ensures an error-free process and frees your people up to focus on high-value tasks

  • You can trust your data and use it to build better products, service and deliver higher value to customers

From Zero to Hero
without changing your IT infrastructure


Acknowledge Operational Inefficiencies


Process Aware


Intraprocess Automation and Control


Interprocess Automation and Control


Enterprise Valuation Control


Agile Business Structure

Core Team

Pathik Trivedi


Llewelyn Bricknell

Co-Founder - South Africa

John Racioppi

COO - US Operations

Ntlhatje Mepta

Principal Consultant - South Africa

Puja Trivedi

Automation Program Manager

Gloria Lopez

VP Global Sales

Sapna Dubey

Solutions Architect

Abhishek Pankaj

Automation Architect &
CoE Delivery Lead

Chandrashekhar Vadde

Automation Architect
& Delivery Lead

Divya Sharma

Associate RPA Developer

Ajay Reddy

Junior RPA Developer

Pawan Rajpurohit

RPA, Machine Learning,
Artificial Intelligence Developer

Shivam Dubey

RPA Developer

Himmat Singh

RPA Support and Service

Manali Vasane

RPA Developer

Chintan Bhimani

Jr RPA Developer

Sumit Pathak

Senior Product Developer (Oracle Apex)

Preeti Pandit

Junior Software Developer (Product Development)

Sagar Vakani

Software Developer (Product Development)

Trushali Pithadiya

Software Developer (Product Development)

Jaswinder Singh

Business Development (BD)

Jatin Limbachiya

Test Analyst

Nilesh Parmar

Test Analyst

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